Award-Winning Sámi Author Moa Backe Åstot Visits US for ALA Conference

San Diego, CA – JUNE 20, 2024Printz Honor author Moa Backe Åstot (born 1998), a young Sami author and reindeer owner, will be visiting the United States for the American Library Association (ALA) Conference taking place in San Diego, California from June 26 - 30. Moa's visit is being implemented with the assistance of a grant from the Swedish Arts Council.

Åstot's debut novel, “Fire From the Sky,” is a critically acclaimed coming-of-age story. It's the first book by a Sami author to receive a Printz Honor, which recognizes the best young adult literature in the U.S. It’s also only the second-ever book in translation to receive this prestigious honor, and the third-ever by an Indigenous author. “Fire From the Sky” explores themes of heritage, family ties, and tradition, while following a young Sami reindeer herder grappling with his sexuality. 

About Moa Backe Åstot

Åstot is a member of the Sami people, an indigenous group inhabiting northern regions of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. She herself raises reindeer. She studied creative writing at Umeå University and Jakobsberg Folkhögskola's prestigious program. Her short story "A Small Red Drop" won her recognition from Sveriges Radio in 2018. Åstot lives in Jokkmokk, a small town in Sweden.

Inspiration for "Fire From the Sky"

“Fire From the Sky” was born from Åstot's desire to see stories reflecting the experiences of Sami teenagers. She noted the lack of young adult fiction by Sami authors and decided to write the book she craved as a teenager. In her own words to Kirkus she writes, “I wanted to read fiction about other Sámi teenagers. But there aren't a lot of Sámi young adult I just found a few books. I started writing what I wanted to read.”

The novel delves into the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth within traditional communities. The protagonist, Ánte, wrestles with his feelings for his best friend while fearing rejection from his family and community if he comes out.

Availability and Contact

“Fire From the Sky” was published by Levine Querido in October 2023 and is translated by Eva Apelqvist. For media inquiries, please contact Irene Vazquez at Levine Querido (

About the Book

  • Title: Fire From the Sky

  • Author: Moa Backe Åstot

  • Translator: Eva Apelqvist

  • ISBN: 9781646142484

  • Publication Date: October 17, 2023

  • Format: Hardcover

  • Price: $18.99

  • Page Count: 216

  • Genre: Young Adult

Critical Acclaim for "Fire From the Sky"

★ “A rare and triumphant look at what it means for queerness to stay put, with all the messiness and pain that entails… A fresh voice and a setting that's pure fire.” — Kirkus (starred review)

★ “Fire from the Sky” is a superb account of one boy’s struggle to be himself. Åstot does an exemplary job invoking Sami culture, and an especially good job of capturing Ante’s turbulent emotions, dramatically ratcheting up tension, as it is often agony for Ante to be around the friend he's so in love with. Much of Ante’s experience is universal, and empathic readers will hope urgently for his happiness.” — Booklist (starred review)

About the Translator

Eva Apelqvist is a writer, translator, and children's/YA author published in both the US and Sweden. She has extensive experience in various aspects of book creation and distribution. Apelqvist lives in Duluth, Minnesota.



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